Sunday, March 20, 2011

Leader Recognition Awards

Scott Pyle was in charge of Leader Recognition Awards. He does a great job with this every year and always brings lots of laughs.

For our Wolf Den Leader: A trip for he and his wife to "The Ritz" (Ritz Crackers).

For our Bear Den Leader: A trip for he and his wife to "5th Avenue".

Our Webelos I Den Leader is such a SWEETie handling all of the TARTS in her den.

We gave our other Webelos I Den Leader a bonus of "100 Grand."

Our Cubmaster is new to the pack. So he got his very first "Payday".

Our gift to our Webelos II Den Leader is usually a bit more serious. He's leaving our pack and that makes us sad. He was presented with a framed picture so he would never forget us.

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