May 2011
Calvin wrapped up the final requirements for his 2nd Class rank. He was also recently nominated to serve as Patrol Leader.
September 2010
Calvin was nominated to serve as Den Chief for our Pack. He's working with the Webelos I Den B scouts. So far he's taken his role very seriously and shows up to all den/pack meetings in uniform. The boys look up to him.
August 2010
Calvin earned his Tenderfoot rank. He's now working towards (and almost finished with) his Second Class rank. He has had a super crazy-busy summer. At summer camp he went through the Trailblazer program offered to help first time scouts work on rank advancement. Calvin said the daily classes were boring, but it was worth it because they signed off on so much in their book.
He is also serving as Assistant Patrol Leader.
May 2010
Calvin went on his first Boy Scout camporee at Camp Campbell. He worked on his Fishing and Cooking Merit Badges.
April 2010
Calvin has earned his Scout Badge. The first badge that signifies the scout has met all their joining requirements. He is now on the road to his Tenderfoot rank.
January 2010
Calvin is just finishing up his Webelos achievements. He's only been in Cub Scouts for a year and a half, but he's learned so much. He has really enjoyed his new friends and all the adventures they've had together.